Haled Matrud (1963 – 2012)

It is with great sorrow that we share the news that our friend and colleague, Haled Matrud, passed away. He worked with the Polish-Syrian mission throughout all the excavation seasons at Tell Arbid (since 1996) but his cooperation with the mission started already in 1988, during Polish excavations at Tell Abu Hafur, then Tell Jassa el-Gharbi and Tell Rad Shaqra. All these years we felt that we could always rely on Haled’s energy, optimism and skills to solve the innumerable problems that occur in an archaeological mission’s everyday life. We will miss him greatly,
Piotr Bieliński
and the whole Polish team
Prof. Piotr Bieliński
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
4, Nowy Świat St.
PL-00-487 Warszawa, Poland
E-mail: pcma@uw.edu.pl
The joint Syro-Polish expedition, operating since 1996, is co-directed by Prof. Piotr Bieliński, the director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of Warsaw University and Dr. Ahmad Serriyeh from the Direction General of Antiquities and Museums of the SAR (1996-2007), Mr. Jovan Qassem of the Regional Department of Antiquities in Hassake (2008-2009) and Dr. Abed Abdel Messih Bagdo, director of the Regional Department of Antiquities in Hassake (since 2010).

Dorota Ławecka, Ph.D.
Associate professor,
Department of Near Eastern Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist – supervisor of sector SD
Work at other Sites
Tell Rijim (Iraq); Ar-Raqqa, Tell Bderi, Tell Rad Shaqrah, Tell Qaramel (Syria); Iraqi Kurdistan (survey project)
Fields of Interest
Early Bronze Age in Syro-Mesopotamia
Publications on Arbid:
See publications

Maciej Makowski, Ph.D.
Contact Information
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist - trench supervisor in sectors SD, D, SS
Work at other Sites:
As-Sabbiya - Bahra 1, sector SBH 35, tumuli graves, i.a. SMQ 49 (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Near East Bronze Age archaeology, especially Anatolia during the Assyrian Colony Period; History, religion and languages of Anatolia in 2nd millennium B.C.; Popular culture (i.a. human figurines) of Bronze Age Anatolia, Syria and Mesopotamia.
M.A. thesis: Anthropomorphic Figurines of the Early Bronze Age in West and Central Anatolia. A Critical Analysis of Existing Interpretations (in Polish)
Ph.D. thesis: Cross-cultural interactions in Kaneš during Assyrian Colony Period, as reflected in archaeological remains (in Polish)
Publications on Arbid:
See publications
Selected Publications:
Makowski M.,
- 2005 Anthropomorphic Figurines of Early Bronze Age Anatolia, Archeologia 56, 7-30.
- 2007 Architektura Ur III. Budownictwo sakralne, in: D. Szeląg (ed.), Historia i kultura państwa III dynastii z Ur, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników vol. VII, Warszawa 2007, 51-69.
- 2009a Anatolia w III tys. p.n.e., in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds.), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników vol. VIII, Warszawa 2009, 108-117.
- 2009b Świat późnej epoki brązu, in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds.), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników vol. VIII, Warszawa 2009, 151-186.
- 2009c Tumuli Graves SMQ 35B and SMQ 38, and other Structures Explored on the Main Plateau: SMQ 36, SMQ 37, SMQ 44 in: Ł. Rutkowski (ed.), As-Sabbiya – Mugheira 2008. Report on Results of the Second Season of Joint Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations, Warsaw, 40-54.

Marta Momot, M.A.
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00-497 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Documentalist – field and small finds drawings, their computer processing and preparation for publication
Work at other Sites:
Alexandria - Kom El-Dikka (Egypt); Banganarti - Church of Archangel Raphael,
Fourth Cataract - International Rescue Project (Sudan); Hawarte - Mithraeum (Syria); As-Sabbiya – settlement Bahra 1, sector SBH 38, well complex SM 12, tumuli graves, i.a. SMQ 30 (Kuwait).
Fields of Interest
Hellenistic settlement and pottery on Tell Arbid
M.A. thesis: Hellenistic pottery from sector A at Tell Arbid in north-eastern Syria (in Polish)
Publications on Arbid:
See poster publications

Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka, Ph.D.
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Work at other Sites
Identification of animal bone remains excavated on the sites from various regions – Poland: (eg. Targonie, Żubronajcie, Tuczno, Ząbie, Grodno), Syria: (Tell Arbid, Tell Rad Shaqrah), Uzbekistan: (Ajagagytma), Iran: (Tang-i Bulaghi, Passargade), Turkmenistan: (Mele Hairam), the Ukraine: (Bałaklava), Bułgaria: (Novae), Kuwiat (Bahra 1).
Fields of Interest
achaeozoological analysis of ostheological material excavated on sites from various regions and times;
reconstruction of animal economy;
animal bone remains in burials; mammal hunting on the North European Plain in the Holocene;
identification of zoomorphic images.
Publications on Arbid:
See publications
Selected Publications:
Piątkowska-Małecka, J.,
- 1999 Konsumpcja mięsa na osadzie z wczesnej epoki żelaza w Grodnie, Światowit I (XLII), fasc. B, 178-185.
- 1999 Zwierzęce szczątki kostne z osady w Żubronajciach (wstępne wyniki analizy), Światowit I (XLII), fasc. B, 186-192.
- 1999 Pochówki końskie na obszarze Polski północno-wschodniej w I tysiącleciu n.e., Światowit II (XLIII), fasc. B, 186-201.
- 2001 Niezwykłe narzędzia kościane z wczesnej epoki żelaza znalezione na osadzie w Żubronajciach, Światowit III (XLIV), fasc. B, 197-203.
- 2003 Cattle as the basis of breeding economy in the Lusitian culture in early Iron Age, Archeozoologia 21, 143-160.
- 2003 Zwierzęta w gospodarce ludności zamieszkującej ziemie Polski północno-wschodniej we wczesnej epoce żelaza, Wydawnictwa OBN, Olsztyn.
- 2006 Tur w neolicie na ziemiach polskich, Światowit VI (XLVII), facs. B, 107-125.
Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Gręzak, A.,
- 2007 Gospodarka zwierzętami ludności kultury łużyckiej na ziemiach polskich, (in): Środowisko – Człowiek - Cywilizacja 1, (ed) Makohonienko M., Makowiecki D., Kurnatowska Z., Poznań, 129-137.
Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Gubernat, J.,
- 2003 Pies w neolicie na ziemiach polskich, Światowit XLVI, fasc. B, 207-242.
Gręzak, A., Piątkowska-Małecka, J.,
- 2000 Szczątki zwierzęce z Principia w Novae z IV w. n.e., Novaensia 12, 99-105.
- 2000 Kleinfunde aus dem Dolichenum. Tierknochen., (in): Balaklawa. Roemische Militaerstation und Heiligtum des Jupiter Dolichenus, Światowit Supplement Series A, Antiquity V, (ed): Sarnowski T., Sanelja O., Warszawa, 109 – 111.
- 2007 Animal bone remains from the Early Iron Age settlement in Jeziorko, (in): Eurasian Perspectives on Environmental Archaeology, (ed): Makohonienko M., Makowiecki D., Czerniawska J., Poznań, 163-166.
Lasota-Moskalewska, A., Gręzak A., Piątkowska-Małecka, J.,
- 2006 Ahropogenic Traces on Animal Bones from Zwoleń, (in): The Killing Fields of Zwoleń, (ed): Schild R., Wydawnictwa IA i E, Warszawa, 207-216.
Lasota-Moskalewska, A., Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Gręzak, A., Szymczak, K.,
- 2006 Animal bone remains from Ayakagytma „The Site”, (in): Exploring the Neolithic of the Kyzył-Kums, (ed): Szymczak K., Khudzhanazarov M., Wydawnictwa Instytutu Archeologii UW, Warszawa, 206-217.
Koliński, R., Piątkowska-Małecka, J.,
- 2008 Animals in the steppe: patterns of animal husbandry as a reflection of changing environmental conditions in the Khabur Triangle, (in); Proceedings of the 4 th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, vol. 1, (ed): Kuehne H., Czichon R., Kreppner F., J., Wiesbaden, 115-127.

Agnieszka Pieńkowska, Ph.D.
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00-497 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist – field archaeologist in sector SL, trench supervisor in sector W
Work at other Sites
Balaklava (the Ukraine); Tell El-Umeiri (Jordan); Mele Hairam (Turkmenistan); As-Sabbiya, settlement Bahra 1, sector SBH 38 (Kuwait); Failaka island (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Mesopotamia in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC, Khabur Ware
M.A. thesis: The Jemdet Nasr Period: an overview (in Polish, unpublished)
Ph.D. thesis: Mesopotamian pottery in the first centuries of the 2nd millennium BC (in Polish, unpublished)
Publications on Arbid:
See publications

Andrzej Reiche, M.A.
Keeper of the Ancient Near East Collection at the National Museum in Warsaw
Contact Information
National Museum in Warsaw, al. Jerozolimskie 3, 00-495 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist – sector A supervisor, trench supervisor in sectors SA, D and W; photographer
Work at other Sites
Tell es Saadiya (Iraq, Hamrin Dam Project); Bijan Island on the Euphrates (Iraq; Haditha Dam Project), Tell Raffan, Tell Rijim and Nemrik (Iraq Eski Mosul Dam Project); Tell Abu Hafur, Tell Abu Hafur “East”, Tell Djassa el Gharbi (Western Hassake Dam Project, Syria); Tell Rad Shaqra (Khabur Dam Project, Syria); As-Sabbiya: grave SMQ 30, well SM12, settlement Bahra 1, sector SBH 38 (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Late Bronze Age in Northern Mesopotamia (pottery, architecture, settlement, graves);
Iron Age pottery from Northern Mesopotamia;
the Ubaid period;
Previously: Early Islamic glass production;
Parthian graves.
Publications on Arbid:
See publications
Selected Publications:
Reiche A.,
- 1981 Dwa sumeryjskie dokumenty administracyjne z archiwum w Drehem, Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie XXV, 55-64
- 1982 Kolekcja sumeryjskich tabliczek klinowych w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie XXVI, 91-115
- 1987 Wykopaliska na wyspie Bidżan w Iraku, Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie XXXI, 201-218
- 1989-90 Polskie wykopaliska w rejonie Eski Mosul w północnym Iraku w latach 1984-1987, Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie XXXIII-XXXIV, 653-670
- 1990 Tell from the historical times, in: S.K. Kozłowski (ed.), Nemrik 9. Pre-pottery Neolithic site in Iraq. (seasons 1985-86), Warszawa, 224-234
- 1993 Exavations on Bijan Island. The Graves. Chronique des Fouilles, in: Etudes et Travaux 16, 417-419
- 1996 Early Islamic Glass from the Abbasid Level on Bijan Island (Iraq), in: K. Bartel, St.R. Hauser (eds.) Continuity and Change in Northern Mesopotamia from the Hellenistic to the Early Islamic Period, Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, Bd. 17, Berlin, 195-217
- 1997 Tell Abu Hafur “East”. Neuassyrische Besiedlung in der Umgebung von Hassake (Nord-Ost Syrien), in: H.Waetzoldt, H. Hauptmann (Hrsg.), Assyrien im Wandel der Zeiten. XXXIXe Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Heidelberg 6.-10. Juli 1992. Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient, Bd. 6, Heidelber, 355-364
- 1998 Zabytki pisma klinowego w Polsce (Rozdział 8), w: C.B.F. Walker, Pismo klinowe, Warszawa, 68-74
- 1999 Iron Age pottery from Tell Rad Shaqrah (North-East Syria), in: A. Hausleiter/A. Reiche (eds), Iron Age Pottery in Northern Mesopotamia, Northern Syria and South-Eastern Anatolia. Papers presented at the meetings of the international “table ronde” at Heidelberg (1995) and Nieborów (1997) and other contributions. (Altertumskunde des Vorderen Orients, Bd. 10), Münster, 231-259
- 2001 Nemrik – pięć tysięcy lat później, Archeologia żywa, nr 2, 11-13
- 2007 Noty katalogowe: II.4-II.14, II.16-II.18, II.23-II.28, w: Galeria Sztuki Starożytnej: Egipt, Bliski Wschód. Przewodnik. Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie
- 2007 Nota katalogowa: “Głowa byka (protoma)”, w: Wielkie Muzea: Polska, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warszawa. 20-21
- 2008 Tumulus Grave SMQ 30, in: Ł. Rutkowski (ed.), As-Sabbiya - Mugheira 2007. Report on Results of the First Season of Joint Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations, Warsaw, 4-15
- 2009 Tumulus Grave SMQ 30, in: Ł. Rutkowski (ed.), As-Sabbiya - Mugheira 2008. Report on Results of the Second Season of Joint Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations, Warsaw, 4-16
- 2011 Die altvorderasiatischen Denkmäler in den Museen in Polen. Die Geschichte und der Bestand, in: E. Cancik-Kirschbaum, M. van Ess, J. Marzahn (eds), Babylon. Wissenskultur in Orient und Okzident. Topoi. Berliner Studien der Alten Welt 1, Berlin, 315-344
- 2011 Small Finds from Bahra 1, an Ubaid-Period Settlement, in: Ł. Rutkowski (ed.) Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations in Northern Kuwait. As-Sabbiya 2007-2010, Warsaw-Al-Jahra, 46-49
Reiche A., Sandowicz M.,
- 2009 Neo-Babylonian Seal from the Potocki Collection at the National Museum in Warsaw, [in:] O. Drewnowska (ed.) Here & There, across the Ancient Near East. Studies in Honour of Krystyna Łyczkowska, Warszawa, 195-220
Kozłowski S.K., Krogulska M., Reiche A., Szymczak K.,
- 1986 Irak [in:] 50 lat polskich wykopalisk w Egipcie i na Bliskim Wschodzie, Warszawa, 135-143
Krogulska M., Reiche A.,
- 2006 The Parthians on Bijan Island, in: Ch. Kepinski, O. Lecomte, A. Tenu (eds.), Studia Euphratica. Le moyen Euphrat iraquien révélé par les fouilles préventives de Haditha (Travaux de la Maison René-Ginouvès 3), Paris, 339-365

Łukasz Rutkowski, Ph.D.
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00-497 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist-researcher; trench supervisor in sectors M, S, SL, SD, W and P
Work at other Sites
Tell Shioukh Fouqani, Tell Qaramel (Syria); As-Sabbiya (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Warfare in the Near East (armies and weapons of the Bronze Age); Late 3rd millennium settlement in Upper Mesopotamia; Late 3rd millennium pottery in Tell Arbid and the problem of transition between the Early and the Middle Bronze Age periods; Akkadian, post-Akkadian/Ur III and Old Babylonian periods; Stone tumuli graves in northern Kuwait; Third millennium BC metal artifacts from the Tigridian Region; Ancient metalwork in Tell Arbid; Ethnicity in the ancient Near East
M.A. thesis: Military Service in the Old Babylonian Period (in Polish, unpublished)
Ph.D. thesis: Upper Mesopotamia in the End of the 3rd Millennium BC and at the Beginning of the 2nd Millennium BC. An Analysis of Post-Akkadian Pottery from Tell Arbid (in Polish, unpublished)
Selected Publications:
Rutkowski Ł.
- 2003 Some remarks on the use of duckbill fenestrated axes in the Middle Bronze Near East, Światowit tom IV (2002), fasc. A, 157-160.
- 2007 „Jadowite węże z gór”, „wściekłe psy”, „ludzie o powabie małpy” – obraz wroga w świadomości mieszkańców Sumero-Akadu”, in: Wyobrażenie wroga w dawnych kulturach, J. Olko, P. Prządka-Giersz eds., Spotkania dawnych kultur, Warszawa, 41-55.
- 2007 Problematyka militarna w państwie Ur III, in: Historia i kultura państwa III dynastii z Ur, D. Szeląg ed., Seria podręczników IA UW vol. VII, Warszawa, 17-27.
- 2007 Ceramika okresu Ur III, in: Historia i kultura państwa III dynastii z Ur, D. Szeląg ed., Seria podręczników IA UW vol. VII, Warszawa, 83-97.
- 2008 As-Sabbiya – Mugheira 2007. Report on Results of the First Season of Joint Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations, Warsaw (editor and author of a chapter: Tumuli Graves SMQ 31, SMQ 32, SMQ 33).
- 2009 Sumerowie i Akadowie. Współczesny spór o naturę kontaktów dwóch starożytnych ludów, in: Narracja, historia, fikcja. Dawne kultury w historiografii i literaturze, Ł. Grützmacher ed., Spotkania dawnych kultur, Warszawa, 49-62.
- 2009 Mezopotamia w III tys. p.n.e., in: Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski eds., Seria podręczników IA UW vol. VIII, Warszawa, 76-107.
- 2009 As-Sabbiya – Mugheira 2008. Report on Results of the Second Season of Joint Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations, Warsaw (editor and author of a chapter: Tumuli Graves SMQ 33 and SMQ 45).
- 2012 Heliopolis czy Suza? Problem rozbieżności w treści inskrypcji dedykacyjnej na posągu Dariusza Wielkiego, in: Fałszerstwa i manipulacje w przeszłości i wobec przeszłości, 139-152.

Anna Smogorzewska, Ph.D.
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist – trench and sector supervisor in sectors SS and D; ceramologist
Work at other Sites
Tell Rad Shaqrah (Syria); As-Sabbiya - tumuli SMQ 45, SMQ 35, SM 18 and settlement Bahra 1 (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Archaeology of Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia and Anatolia;
Caucasus and Transcaucasia – archaeology and culture;
Materials and industries in the Ancient Near East;
Economy and environment (Projects: Animal Economy in Tell Arbid in the 3rd millenniu. BC, Archaeobotanical studies);
Ceramic technologies (Project: Continuity and Change. Development of Pottery Traditions in Tell Arbid in 3rd-1st millennia BC);
Technological Marks on Pottery Vessels.
M.A. thesis: The Kura Arax Culture (in Polish, unpublished)
Ph.D. thesis: Connections of Eastern Anatolia with northern Syria and Mesopotamia in the Early Bronze Age(in Polish, unpublished)
Publications on Arbid:
See publications
Selected Publications:
Smogorzewska, A
- 1997 Koty przyszły z Egiptu?, Wiedza i życie 8
- 2001 Wyprawy w Góry Srebrne i do Lasu Cedrowego – niektóre aspekty związków wschodniej Anatolii z północną Mezopotamią i Syrią we wczesnym okresie epoki brązu, Światowit III, 189-196
- 2002 Pieczęcie i ich rola w rejonie górnego Eufratu we wczesnej epoce brązu (ca 3100-2000 p.n.e.), Światowit IV, 195-204
- 2003 Propaganda okrucieństwa, Zaginione cywilizacje, Wiedza i życie (numer specjalny), 22-25
- 2004 Andirons and Their Role in Early Transcaucasian Culture, Anatolica XXX, 151-177
- 2009a Od Kaukazu do Palestyny – wczesna kultura zakaukaska, Blisko i daleko. Księga Jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 99-103
- 2009b Bliski Wschód. Warunki geograficzne, środowisko i gospodarka, in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Warszawa, 1-33
- 2009c Bliski Wschód. Surowce i technologie, in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Warszawa, 34-40
- 2009d Kalendarze i chronologia, in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Warszawa, 41-44
- 2009e Początki cywilizacji, in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Warszawa, 45-75
- 2009f Ceramika Mezopotamii, in: A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski (eds), Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, Warszawa, 296-304
Smogorzewska, A, Daszkiewicz, M.,
- 2000 Archaeological and Laboratory Study of Metallic Ware from Tell Abu Hafur, Tell Djassa el-Gharbi and Tell Rad Shaqrah, Subartu VI, 173-189

Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, Ph.D.
Department of Bioarchaeology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Work at Arbid
Human osteologist since 2001
Work at other Sites
Excavations: Tell Ashara, Tell Barri, Tell Brak, Tell Majnuna, Tell Marwaniyeh, Tell Masaikh, Jebel Mashtale (Syria); Assur (Iraq); Gohar Tepe, Tepe Sialk (Iran); As-Sabbiya – Mugheyra (Kuwait)
Post-excavation analyses of human bones: Chagar Bazar, Tell Fecheriye, Tell Hamoukar, Tell Rad Shaqra (Syria); Tell Rijim (Iraq); Ghale Kash, Goldar Tepe, Tepe Lafoor, Molla Kheil (Iran); Al-Khuwaysat, As-Sabbya – Rukham (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Bioarchaeology of the Near East. My recent research was focused on the palaeoecological background of early urbanisation at Tell Brak and on bioarchaeological indicators of major agricultural crises in the Khabur drainage, NE Syria. Since 2007 I am the editor of “Bioarchaeology of the Near East”, an Open Access journal available at http://www.anthropology.uw.edu.pl/.
Publications on Arbid:

Dariusz Szeląg, Ph.D.
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
archaeologist - trench supervisor in sector W
Work at other Sites
Tell Rad Shaqrah, Tell Bazi (Syria), As-Sabbiyah (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
Archaeology of the Iron Age in Syria and Mesopotamia
M.A. thesis: The Hanging Gardens in Babylon: problems of the localization and reconstruction (in Polish, unpublished)
Ph.D. thesis: A difficult heritage. The Babylonian succession in the western provinces of the Neo-Assyrian empire(in Polish, unpublished)
Publications on Arbid:
See publications
Selected Publications:
Szeląg, D.
- 1999 Dolina środkowego Eufratu za Nabopolasara i jego następców, Światowit NS, I (XLII), Fasc. A, 168-175
- 2000 Nowo- czy późnobabiloński ? Powracający temat w dyskusji nad periodyzacją dziejów Babilonii I tysiąclecia p.n.e., Światowit NS, II (XLIII), 199-202
- 2002 Zwierzyniec szakrański. Zawieszki i paciorki zoomorficzne z grobów dziecięcych na stanowisku Tell Rad Shaqrah (Syria), Światowit NS, IV (XLV), fasc. A, 205-214
- 2003 611 B.C.: The Year After, in: The Orient and the Aegean, Papers presented at the Warsaw Symposium, 9th April 1999, F.M. Stępniowski ed.,Warszawa, 149-153
- 2007 Historia polityczna Mezopotamii w czasach III dynastii z Ur, in: Historia i kultura państwa III dynastii z Ur, D. Szeląg ed., Warszawa, 1-16
- 2007 Renesans odwołany. Problem tak zwanego „renesansu sumeryjskiego”, in: Historia i kultura państwa III dynastii z Ur, D. Szeląg ed., Warszawa, p. 117-120
- 2009 Neriglissar na bezdrożach Cylicji, in: Blisko i daleko. Księga jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, B. Kaim ed. Warszawa, 115-119
- 2009 Wczesna epoka żelaza. Państwa aramejskie i nowohetyckie, in: Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski eds., [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników, vol. VIII] Warszawa, 187-201
- 2009 Palestyna, in: Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski eds., [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników, vol. VIII] Warszawa, 221-232
- 2009 Fenicja, in: Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski eds., [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników, vol. VIII] Warszawa, 233-239
- 2009 Babilonia w XII-VI w. p.n.e., in: Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski eds., [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników, vol. VIII] Warszawa, 249-265
- 2009 Pieczęcie cylindryczne, in: Archeologia starożytnego Bliskiego Wschodu, A. Smogorzewska, F.M. Stępniowski eds., [Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Seria podręczników, vol. VIII] Warszawa, 289-295
- 2009 Tumulus Grave SMQ 35A, in: As-Sabbiya-Mugheira 2008. Report on results of the second season of joint Kuwaiti-Polish archaeological investigations, Ł. Rutkowski ed., Warsaw, 33-39

Agnieszka Szymczak, M.A.
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00-497 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist - trench supervisor in sectors A, SD, W
Work at other Sites
Sarakhs, Mele Hairam (Turkmenistan); As-Sabbiya, settlement Bahra 1, sector SBH 38 (Kuwait); Jiyeh (Lebanon)
Fields of Interest
Popularization of archaeology and scientific research
M.A. thesis: Archaeological traces of Neo-Assyrian Presence in Transjordan and Philistia (in Polish, unpublished)
Publications on Arbid:
See publications

Zuzanna Wygnańska, Ph.D.
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
Contact Information
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, ul. Nowy Świat 4, 00-497 Warsaw, Poland
Work at Arbid
Archaeologist - trench supervisor in sectors: SR, SS, SD, W
Work at other Sites
Tell Shioukh Fouqani (Syria); As-Sabbiya - i.a. settlement Bahra 1, sector SBH 38 (Kuwait)
Fields of Interest
MB settlement; burial practices and rites; ancestor cult.
M.A. thesis: Domestic chapels – private cult in Babylonia in the Old-Babylonian Period (in Polish, unpublished)
M.A. thesis (Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Warsaw): Death of the King – funeral rites and cultic practices in Mesopotamia in the III Millennium BC (in Polish, unpublished)
Ph.D. thesis: Burial Practices and Rites in Mesopotamia and Northern Syria in the First Half of the Second Millennium BC, Faculty of History of University of Warsaw, (in Polish)
Publications on Arbid:
See publications
Selected Publications:
Wygnańska Z.,
- 2008 Archaeological Survey in the As-Sabbiya, Mugheira Region, in: As-Sabbiya - Mugheira 2007. Report on Results of the First Season of Joint Kuwaiti-Polish Archaeological Investigations, Warsaw, 25-32.
Choose year:
Season 2010
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Marta Momot (PCMA)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (PCMA)
Mattia Raccidi (University of Naples)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (PCMA)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agnieszka Szymczak (PCMA)
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
And students:
Cezary Baka, Ewa Czyńska, Jacek Hamburg, Krzysztof Kiersnowski, Dominika Kossowska, Katarzyna Pawłowska (University of Warsaw)
Syrian side:
Dr. Abed Abdel Mesih Bagdo, director (Regional Department of Antiquities in Hassake)
Jovan Qassem, archaeologist (Regional Department of Antiquities in Hassake)
Shiar Halaf, topographer (Regional Department of Antiquities in Hassake)
Rashad Kusa, archaeologist (Regional Department of Antiquities in Hassake)
Simon Jacoub, archaeologist
And Haled Matrud
Season 2009
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Katarzyna Hryniewicka (freelance)
Marzena Markowska (freelance)
Marta Mierzejewska (freelance)
Marta Momot (PCMA)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (PCMA)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (PCMA)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agnieszka Szymczak (PCMA)
Łukasz Wojnarowicz (freelance)
And students: Anna Babiarz, Wojciech Ejsmond, Aleksander Leydo, Joanna Reiche (University of Warsaw); Mattia Raccidi (University of Florence)
Syrian side:
Jovan Qassem, director
Saud Al-Hussein, archaeologist
Nancy Badra, Mayad el-Halil, George Hanna, Moussa Moussa, Simon Jacoub, Rareb el-Shaushi - students
And Haled & Feiraz Matrud
Season 2008
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Maciej Makowski (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Marzena Markowska (freelance)
Marta Momot (PCMA)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (PCMA)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (PCMA)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anthropologist: Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
And students:
Ewa Czyńska, Katarzyna Hryniewicka, Marta Mierzejewska, Magdalena Ostrowska, Joanna Reiche, Łukasz Wojnarowicz (University of Warsaw); Anna Kotarba (Jagiellonian University)
Syrian side:
Jovan Qassem, director
Saud Al-Hussein, archaeologist
Eyham Handosh, student
And Haled Matrud
Season 2007
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Maciej Makowski (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Marta Momot (PCMA)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (PCMA)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agnieszka Szymczak (freelance)
Zuzanna Wygnańska (PCMA)
Paleozoologist: Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka (Department of Paleozoology, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
And students: Katarzyna Hryniewicka, Magdalena Lipińska, Marzena Markowska, Marta Mierzejewska, Magdalena Ostrowska, Joanna Reiche, Dagmara Siatkowska, Klaudia Szajkowska, Łukasz Wojnarowicz and Karol Zajdowski (University of Warsaw); Mattia Raccidi (University of Florence)
Syrian side:
Ahmed Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
Nancy Badra, Raghad Bach, students
And Haled Matrud
Season 2006
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Maciej Makowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
And students: Magdalena Dziadosz, Marzena Markowska, Marta Mierzejewska, Ewelina Mizak, Marta Momot, Łukasz Wojnarowicz (University of Warsaw); Katarzyna Regulska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Matthias Aigner (Vienna University)
Syrian side:
Ahmad Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
And Haled Matrud
Season 2005
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Maciej Makowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Zuzanna Wygnańska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
And students: Marzena Markowska, Marta Mierzejewska, Ewelina Mizak, Marta Momot, Łukasz Wojnarowicz, Małgorzata Wybieralska (University of Warsaw); Monica Arrivabeni (University of Venice)
Czech team from the Masaryk University in Brno:
Inna Mateiciucová, Petr Kostrhun, Martin Ježek (archaeologists)
Šarka Travničkova, Ivan Lassak (students)
Syrian side:
Ahmad Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
And Haled Matrud
Season 2004
Piotr Bieliński, director
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Maciej Makowski
Agnieszka Pieńkowska
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Zuzanna Wygnańska
Marta Zambello, Padova (Italy)
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Geophysical survey: Tomasz Herbich, Paweł Gan (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Małgorzata Lopko,
Marzena Markowska,
Ewelina Mizak,
Monika Różańska,
Małgorzata Wybieralska
Syrian side:
Ahmad Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
And Haled Matrud
Season 2003
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Zuzanna Wygnańska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Hubert Czerski (freelance)
Agnieszka Szymczak (freelance)
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Students: Maciej Makowski, Marta Momot, Monika Ozdarska, Marta Tchórzewska (University of Warsaw)
Syrian side:
Ahmad Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
Rabab Mualla, Elias Abdel Nour (students)
And Haled Matrud
Season 2002
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Rafał Koliński (Institute of Prehistory, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Paleozoologist: Joanna Piątkowska-Małecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anthropologist: Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
And Students: Hubert Czerski, Justyna Kośminska, Monika Ozdarska, Maciej Makowski, Marta Momot, Agnieszka Szymczak (University of Warsaw); Adriana Roman (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań); Anna Bzowska (Warsaw University of Technology) Philip Koch (University of Venice)
Syrian side:
Ahmad Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
And Haled Matrud
Season 2001
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Rafał Koliński (Institute of Prehistory, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agnieszka Pieńkowska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Zuzanna Wygnańska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Ladislav Stanco, Institute of Archaeology of Prague University
Arkadiusz Sołtysiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Students: Renata Maskowicz, Marta Momot, Aneta Najgebauer, Agnieszka Szymczak (University of Warsaw); Łukasz Chubert, Michał Krueger (Poznań University
Syrian side:
Ahmad Serriyeh, director (DGAM)
Khaled Ahmo (Regional Direction of Antiquities in Hassake)
And: Zeinab Ahmad, Malek Awad, Shadi Khatoum, (Damascus University)
Season 2000
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Franciszek Stępniowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Lukasz Rutkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Zuzanna Wygnańska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Katarzyna Meyza (freelance)
Aleksandra Pęska-Oleksiak (freelance)
Agata Kubala (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
Jerzy Wierzbicki, photographer
Students: Agnieszka Pieńkowska (University of Warsaw)
Syrian side was represented by Mr. Mahmud Abdalla from DGAM Department in Aleppo
Season 1999
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Rafał Koliński (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Mirosław Olbryś
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Agata Kubala (Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
Students: Adam Kadziszewski, Joanna Lorynowicz, Aleksandra Oleksiak, Zuzanna Wygnańska (University of Warsaw); Jerzy Wierzbicki (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
The Austro-American part of the expedition:
Archeologists:David Nelson Gimbel (Faculty of the University of Vienna, President of Archaeos Inc. and member of Oxford University)
Prof. Gebhard Seltz, epigraphist (Faculty of the Vienna University)
Paul Zimmerman (Vice-President of Archaeos Inc. and member of the University of Pennsylvania)
Claudia Suter
Students: Doris Felsner, Gerhard Karner, Bojana Jancovic, Katharina Wernisch (Vienna University)
And: Ms Ingeborga Bykowska who assisted the domestic side of excavations,
As well as Haled Matrud
Season 1998
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Mirosław Olbryś
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Rafał Koliński (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Łukasz Rutkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
David Nelson Gimbel (Oxford University)
Joanna Lorynowicz, Zuzanna Wygnańska (University of Warsaw)
And Haled Matrud
Season 1997
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dorota Bielińska (Research Center for Mediterranean Archaeology, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dorota Ławecka (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Mirosław Olbryś
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Katarzyna Krzyżanowska, Łukasz Rutkowski (University of Warsaw)
Wardo Djabar Duuba (University of Damascus)
And Haled Matrud
Season 1996
Piotr Bieliński, director (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Anna Smogorzewska (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Mirosław Olbryś
Andrzej Reiche (National Museum in Warsaw)
Dariusz Szeląg (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
David Nelson Gimbel (Oxford University)
Students: Joanna Lorynowicz, Leszek Talko, Ewa Wiewiórka, Agnieszka Zysek (University of Warsaw)
Dariusz Pręgowski
And Haled Matrud