PUBLICATIONS (for access to more files see also: Polish-Syrian Archaeological Expedition to Tell Arbid on
Baka, C., Hamburg., J.
2013, Decorative Motifs on Early Excised/Incised Ninevite 5 Pottery from Tell Arbid, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22: 421-437. (download, pdf 1.3 MB)
Bielińska, D.
2013, "Suckling Antelopes” from Tell Arbid – a Rare Iconographic Motif from the 3rd Millennium BC, Études et Travaux 26.1: 121-126. (download, pdf; abstract)
2001, A Third Millennium B.C. Cylinder Seal from Tell Arbid, Études et Travaux XIX: 42-44.
Bieliński, P.
2016a, Tell Arbid (Hassake), in: Y. Kanjou, A. Tsuneki (eds), A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites, Archaeopress Archaeology.
2016b, A Sealing from Tell Arbid: Once More About Seal Impressions on Ceramic Vessels, in: B. Perello, A. Tenu (eds), Parcours d’Orient. Recueil de textes offert a Christine Kepinski: 9–12.
2013, Preliminary Results of the Fifteenth Field Season of Joint Polish–Syrian Explorations on Tell Arbid, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22: 351-370. (download, pdf 2.5 MB)
2012, Tell Arbid 2008-2009. Preliminary Report on the Results of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Seasons of Polish-Syrian Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21: 511-536. (download, pdf 6.1 MB)
2010, Tell Arbid. Preliminary Report on the Results of the Twelfth Season of Syrian-Polish Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 19: 537-554. (download, pdf 9.4 MB)
2009a, Some Cylinder Seal Impressions on Pottery from Tell Arbid, in: O. Drewnowska (ed.), Here and There. Across the Ancient Near East. Studies in Honour of Krystyna Łyczkowska, Warsaw: 1-8.
2009b, Tell Arbid w północno-wschodniej Syrii, in: B. Kaim (ed.), Blisko i daleko. Księga jubileuszowa Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa: 105-114.
2008, Tell Arbid. Preliminary Report on the Eleventh Season of Polish-Syrian Explorations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 18: 549-561. (download , pdf 2 MB)
2007, Report on the Syrian-Polish Explorations in 2005. The Tenth Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 17: 451-471. (download, pdf 2.4 MB)
2005, The Ninth Season of Syrian-Polish Excavations. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16: 475-489. (download, pdf 1.0 MB)
2004, The 2003 Campaign of Polish-Syrian Excavations. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 15: 335-354. (download, pdf 1.2 MB)
2003, The Seventh Season of Excavations. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 14: 301-314. (download, pdf 1.9 MB)
2002, The Sixth Campaign of Excavations. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 13: 279-294. (download, pdf 1.6 MB)
2001, Tell Arbid, Interim Report of the Fifth Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 12: 315-325.(download, pdf 1.9 MB)
2000a, An Early Iron Age Stamp Seal from Tell Arbid, in: Les civilisations du Bassin Méditerranéen. Hommages a Joachim Śliwa, Kraków: 327-330.
2000b, Tell Arbid, The Fourth Season, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 11: 273-284. (download, pdf 1.4 MB)
1999, Tell Arbid, Preliminary Report, 1998, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 10: 206-216. (download, pdf 999 KB)
1998, Second Campaign of Syro-Polish Excavations, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 9: 212-223. (download, pdf 384 KB)
1997, Preliminary Report on the First Season of Syro-Polish Excavations on Tell Arbid, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 8: 203-211. (download, pdf 192 KB)
Daszkiewicz, M.
2008, Composition and Technology of a Glass Vessel from Tell Arbid, Damaszener Mitteilungen 15 (2006): 95–99.
Herbich, T.
2005, Geophysical Survey, 2004, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 16: 490–496. (download, pdf 395 KB)
Koliński, R.
2013, Tell Arbid. Adam Mickiewicz University Excavations in Sector P – Spring Season of 2010, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22: 451–478. (download, pdf 1.9 MB)
2012a, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań Excavations in Sector P at Tell Arbid (Spring 2009), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21: 537–557. (download, pdf 3.0 MB)
2012b, Generation Count at Tell Arbid, Sector P, in: H. Weiss (ed.) Seven Generations since the Fall of Akkad, [=Studia Chaburensia 3], Wiesbaden: 109–128.
2012c, Badania Instytutu Prahistorii UAM na Tell Arbid (północno-wschodnia Syria) w latach 2008-2009, Folia Praehistorica Posnaniensia 16: 215–250.
2011a, Report on the Activities of the Polish-Syrian Mission to Tell Arbid, Governorate of Hasake, Spring Season of 2009, in: A. Abdulrahman (ed.), Chronique Archéologique en Syrie 5-2009, Damascus: 85–96.
2011b, Tell Arbid. Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan Excavations in Sector P, Spring Season of 2008, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 20: 303–320. (download, pdf 1.9 MB)
2010, Report on the Activities of the Polish-Syrian Mission to Tell Arbid, Governorate of Hasake, Spring Season of 2008, in: A. Abdulrahman (ed.), Chronique Archéologique en Syrie, 4–2008, Damascus.
2008, Sur les traces de Max E.L. Mallowan, in: M. el-Maqdissi (ed.), Pionniers et protagonistes de l'archéologie syrienne (1860–1960). D'Ernest Renan a Sélim Abdulhak, Damas-DGAM 2008: 292–293.
2007, Sir Max Mallowan’s Excavations at Tell Arbid, 1936, Iraq LXIX: 73–115.
2002, Bulls from Tell Arbid, in: P. Taracha (ed.), Silva Anatolica. Papers presented to Maciej Popko on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, Warsaw: 211–224.
Koliński, R., Reiche, A.
2008, After the Fall of Assyria, in: D. Bonatz, R. M. Czihon, F. J. Kroeppner (eds), Fundstellen. Gesamelte Schriften zur Archäologie und Geschichte Altvorderasiens ad honorem Hartmut Kühne, Wiesbaden: 51–59.
Lyonnet, B. (ed.),
2000, Prospection Archéologique Haut-Khabur Occidental (Syrie du N.E.), vol. 1, Beyrouth.
Ławecka, D.
2008, Heating Places and Ovens of the 3rd Millennium BC In Sector SD on Tell Arbid, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 18: 562–569. (download, pdf 1.0 MB)
2006, Late Ninevite 5 Structures in the Eastern District at Tell Arbid, N-E Syria, Orient Express 3: 71–3.
2005, Tell Arbid. Polskie badania w północno-wschodniej Syrii, Archeologia Żywa 31/1: 5–11.
Makowski, M.
2015a, Zoomorphic Clay Figurines from Tell Arbid. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1: 627–656.
2015b, Of Men and Equids: Piecing the Clay Images from Tell Arbid Back Together, Études et Travaux 28: 121–140.
2014, Terracotta Equid Figurines from Tell Arbid. New Evidence on Equids, their Equipment and Exploitation in North Mesopotamia During Third and First Half of Second Millennium BC, Études et Travaux 27: 257-278. (download, pdf; abstract)
2013, Anthropomorphic Figurines of the Second Millennium BC from Tell Arbid. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22: 617–626. (download, pdf 645 KB)
2007, Anthropomorphic Figurines of the Third Millennium BC from Tell Arbid. Preliminary report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 17: 472–482. (download, pdf 344 KB)
Mallowan, M.E.L.
1937, The Excavations at Tell Chagar Bazar and an Archaeological Survey of the Habur Region. 2nd Campaign, 1936, Iraq IV: 91-177.
Moskalewska-Lasota, A., Gręzak, A., Tomek, T.
2008, Animal Remains from the Mitanni Grave at Tell Arbid, Damaszener Mitteilungen 15 (2006): 101-104.
Mueller-Bieniek, A., Wasylikowa, K., Smogorzewska, A.
2015, Plant Macrofossils from the Site of Tell Arbid (3rd–2nd Millennium BC ), Northeast Syria. Preliminary Report, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1: 657–674.
Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Koliński, R.
2006, Animal Remains from the Polish Excavations at Tell Arbid, North-East Syria, in: N. Benecke (ed.), Beiträge zur Archäozoologie und prähistorische Anthropologie, Bd. V, Ludwigsdorf: 22-31.
Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Smogorzewska, A.
2013, Animal Bone Remains from Tell Arbid (Season 2009) — Archaeozoological Analysis, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22: 438-449. (download, pdf; 451 KB)
2010, Animal Economy at Tell Arbid, North-East Syria, in the Third Millennium BC, Bioarchaeology of the Near East 4/2010: 25-43. (download, pdf 773 KB)
Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Wygnańska, Z.
2012, Animal Remains from Middle Bronze Age Graves at Tell Arbid (Syria), Światowit IX (L)/A (2011): 67-80.
2006, Szczątki zwierzęce z grobowca chaburskiego na stanowisku Tell Arbid (Syria) jako przejaw wierzeń i rytuałów pogrzebowych, in: Zwierzę jako sacrum w pradziejach i starożytności. Materiały z sympozjum naukowego w Busku Zdroju, vol. 1, Kielce: 77-99.
Pieńkowska, A.
2014, The Fire and Light. Mesopotamian Lamps from Polish Archaeological Excavations on Tell Arbid, in: P. Bieliński et alii (eds), Proceedings of the 8th ICAANE, 30 April – 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, vol. 3, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag: 3–16.
Raccidi, M.
2012a, Chariot Terracotta Models from Tell Arbid and Tell Barri. A Typological and Functional Analysis, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, vol 3: 673-682.
2012b, Chariot Terracotta Models from Tell Arbid, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21: 605-623. (download, pdf 2.5 MB)
Reiche, A.
2014, Tell Abu Hafur 'East', Tell Arbid (North-Eastern Syria) and Nemrik (Northern Iraq) as Examples of Small-Scale Rural Settlements in Upper Mesopotamia in the Mittani Period, in: D. Bonatz (ed.), The Archaeology of Spaces. The Upper Mesopotamian Piedmont in the Second Millennium BCE, [=Topoi Berlin Studies of the Ancient World 12], Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter: 43-59. (download, full text)
2013, Polskie wykopaliska w Tell Arbid (Syria) w latach 1996-2012 // Polish Excavations in Tell Arbid (Syria) in 1996-2012, in: Dolińska, M., Górecki, T., Reiche, A., Twardecki, A., Zbiory Sztuki Starożytnej i Wschodniochrześcijańskiej a wykopaliska archeologiczne Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie // The Collection of Ancient Christian Art and Archaeological Excavations of the National Museum in Warsaw, Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Nowa Seria // Journal of the National Museum in Warsaw. New Series 2(38): 39-43, 51-54.
2006, Polish Archaeological Research in North-Eastern Syria, Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie XLII (2001): 95-106.
Reiche, A., Smogorzewska, A.
2013, Ninevite 5 Kitchen from Tell Arbid (Area W), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22, 371-386. (download, pdf; 1.3 MB)
Smogorzewska, A.
2016, The Final Stage of Ninevite 5 Pottery: Morphological Types, Technology and Diachronic Analysis from Tell Arbid (North-East Syria), Iraq 78, 175–214. Doi:10.1017/irq.2016.1
2014a, Ninevite 5 Kitchenware Morphology and Technological Characteristic, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 23/1, 471-503. (download, pdf 3 MB)
2014b, Cooking, Heating and Processing. The Function of Fire Installations in Household Activities at Tell Arbid (NE Syria), in: P. Bieliński et alii (eds), Proceedings of the 8th ICAANE, 30 April – 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, vol. 3, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag: 17-30.
2013, Fenestrated Pot Stands in Ninevite 5 Pottery Tradition: New Data from Tell Arbid (North-East Syria), Akkadica 132/2: 187-199.
2012a, Fire Installations in Household Activities. Archaeological Study from Tell Arbid (North-East Syria), Paléorient 38/1, 229-249.
2012b, Jazirah Burnished Ware from Tell Arbid and its Northern Affiliations, Anatolica 38: 129-147. (abstract)
2010, Technological marks on pottery vessels. Study of evidence from Tell Arbid, Tell Rad Shaqrah and Tell Jassa el-Gharbi (Northeastern Syria), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 19: 555-564. (download, pdf 888 KB)
2009 (2010), Andirons from Tell Arbid. Archaeological and Ethnoarchaeological Studies, Etudes et Travaux 23: 137-150.
2008, Mitanni Grave at Tell Arbid, Damaszener Mitteilungen 15 (2006): 67-93.
2007, Odkrywanie wielokulturowości – wykopaliska archeologiczne w Tell Arbid, Uniwersytet Warszawski 4 (34): 18-19.
2004, Late Ninevite 5 Quarter at Tell Arbid, Orient Express 2004/3: 69-71.
Smogorzewska, A., Daszkiewicz, M.
1999, Brief Report on Chemical Analysis of Metallic Ware from Tell Arbid with Special Reference to “Storage” Metallic Ware, Orient Express, 1999/1: 25-27.
Smogorzewska, A., Piątkowska-Małecka, J.
2008, Animal Economy at Tell Arbid (Northern Mesopotamia) in 3000-2000 BC, in: D. Makowiecki et al. (eds), Archaeozoological Research in Poland and Middle Europe. Data-Methods-Interpretations. Environment and Culture, vol. 5: 83-85.
Sołtysiak, A.
2010, Short Fieldwork Reports: Tell Arbid (Syria), Seasons 1996–2010, Bioarchaeology of the Near East 4: 45–48. (download, pdf 336 KB)
2006, Short Fieldwork Reports: Tell Arbid (Syria), Seasons 1996–2002, Studies in Historical Anthropology 3 (2003): 135-136. (download, pdf 138 KB)
2006, Studies on Human Remains in Syria and Iraq, Seasons 2001–2002. A General Overview, Studies in Historical Anthropology 3 (2003): 131-134. (download, pdf 68 KB)
Sołtysiak, A., Koliński, R.
2012, Preliminary Report on Human Remains from Tell Arbid, Sector P. Excavation Seasons 2008–2010, Światowit IX (L)/A (2011): 49-66. (download, pdf 2.1 MB)
Szeląg, D.
2012, Adult Burials of Ninevite 5 Date on Tell Arbid (2007-2008), Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21: 585-604. (download, pdf 1.0 MB)
2011, Two Ovens from the first half of the 3rd Millennium BC at Tell Arbid. Evidence for Grain Processing?, Światowit XLIX/A (2009-2010): 113-120. (download, pdf 2 MB)
Szymczak, A.
2014, Khabur Ware Period Objects of Unbaked Clay from Tell Arbid: a Short Note on the Second Set of Finds, in: P. Bieliński et alii (eds), Proceedings of the 8th ICAANE, 30 April – 4 May 2012, University of Warsaw, vol. 2, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag: 757-764.
2013, Set of Second Millennium BC Unbaked Clay Objects from Tell Arbid, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 22: 387-420. (download, pdf 1.5 MB)
Wasylikowa, K., Koliński, R.
2013, The Role of Plants in the Economy of Tell Arbid, North-East Syria, in the Post-Akkadian Period and Middle Bronze Age, Acta Palaeobotanica 53(2). (download, full text)
Wygnańska, Z.
2014, The Ancestor Cult in the Middle Bronze Age at Tell Arbid, Syria, in: P. Pfälzner, H. Niehr, E. Pernicka, S. Lange, T. Köster (eds), Contextualising Grave Inventories in the Ancient Near East. Proceedings of a Workshop at the London 7th ICAANE in April 2010 and an International Symposium in Tübingen in November 2010, both Organised by the Tübingen Post-Graduate School “Symbols of the Dead“ [=Qatna Studien Supplementa 3], Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag: 39-49.
2012, Mortuary Practices of Early Second Millennium BC on Tell Arbid (NE Syria). Continuity and Changes, in: N. Laneri, P. Pfaelzner, S. Valentini (eds), Looking North. The Socio-economic Dynamics of the Northern Mesopotamian and Anatolian Regions during the Late Third and Early Second Millennium B.C., Studien zur Urbanisierung Nordmesopotamiens (SUN), Serie D, Vol. 1, Wiesbaden: 229-236.
2011, Burial Customs at Tell Arbid (Syria) in the Middle Bronze Age. Cultural Interrelations with the Nile Delta and the Levant, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 20: 605-618. (download, pdf 2.2 MB)
2007, Kult przodków na Tell Arbid w okresie środkowego brązu, in: W. Dzieduszycki, J. Wrzesiński (eds), Środowisko pośmiertne człowieka. Funeralia Lednickie — spotkanie 9, Poznań: 227-235.
Baka, C., Hamburg, J., Kossowska, D.
Tell Arbid. ceramika dekorowana Niniwa 5 -
Gimbel, D.
Preliminary Site Report of the Oriental Institute of the University of Vienna and Archaeos Excavation Project at Tell Arbid, Sector D preliminary report, 1999 -
Koliński, R. et alii
Reports on the Project Collapse, Regress or Progress. The Settlement and Cultural Landscape of the Syrian Jezirah at the End of the Early Bronze Age by Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Seasons 2008-2010 -
Reiche, A.
Tell Arbid (North-Eastern Syria) and Nemrik (North Iraq) – Two Small Scale Mittani Period Settlements. An Attempt on a Functional Interpretation, Conference Paper Abstract, 2010 -
Selz, G.J.
An Austrian-American Expedition to Northern Syria. Syrian-Polish Excavations of Tell Arbid. Citadel's NW Corner Project - Vienna Team, Preliminary Report, 1999 -
Daszkiewicz, M., Smogorzewska, A., Bobryk, E. Pottery from Tell Arbid - Provenance and Technological Studies
(download, pdf 854 KB)
Momot, M. Hellenistic Pottery from Tell Arbid (Sector A)
(download, pdf 12 MB)
Raccidi, M. Chariot Terracotta Models from Tell Arbid and Tell Barri. A Typological and Functional Analysis.
(download, pdf 2,9 MB)
Rutkowski, Ł. Pieczęcie cylindryczne z Tell Arbid (Syria)
(download, pdf 2,9 MB)
Smogorzewska, A. Late Ninevite 5 Pottery from a Residential Quarter at Tell Arbid
(download, pdf 1,3 MB)
Szymczak, A. A set of 2nd Millennium BC Clay Objects from Tell Arbid
(download, pdf 1,3 MB)
Badania archeologiczne w Syrii. Tell Arbid - miasto w górnej Mezopotamii. 70 lat polskich wykopalisk w Egipcie i na Bliskim Wschodzie. Professor Kazimierz Michałowski and the Polish School of Mediterranean Archaeology - exhibition organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (download, jpg 713 KB)
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